Thursday: Shiny Deck

We left Victoria at about 0700 with me dropping my boss and her husband off at the airport before I headed on to the ferry. Rather embarrassingly, I managed to lose the airport but did find it again after a brief interlude.

The ferry crossing was pleasant. I was having breakfast when the bridge announced that there was a humpback whale to the port side. I saw it twice which felt pretty special.

I worked at home for the rest of the day and then this evening K. and I were at my US colleague's for Thanksgiving. It was a nice gathering but the star of the evening was definitely her new three month old puppy, Coco.

And how's this for a small world: one of the guests was from Tehran, having left there in 1979. I mentioned that I went to school with a girl whose family had left Tehran at the same time after her brother was murdered. Turns out the families were good friends and she knew my schoolmate's parents.

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