
By snailspace

On reflection...

We drove to Biscarrosse this morning to test the powers of Poste Restante. Happily united with our package after lengthy queuing, we were shooed away with a wave of the hand, thereby waiving the collection fee due to a computer failure. I couldn't see that happening in the Post Office in Kirkwall!

A pleasant stroll around an unremarkable town ensued but I really enjoyed the Frenchness of it all, with many people sitting in the sun outside the many cafés and bars. Oddly, they mostly had coats and scarves on. We were bare-armed in t-shirts... Well, the temp did reach 22 degrees today!

We sat and baked by the window in the Chinese restaurant where the strong sun created a reflection of this chappie whilst we awaited our serving of Nems.

Tonight we are on a motorhome Aire at a marina by a large lake. It is a very pleasant spot.

I think we may be heading further south soon but we will have two nights here first

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