
Okay ...... Here we again!
This is technically a back-blip because after doing a big long screed about going out with the infrared camera in the morning and the 'normal' one in the afternoon and how the entire place was flooding - and how good the speaker was at the camera club ............. the entry had disappeared this morning.

This has happened several times to me before (although not since the new management took over) which has left me with quite a few missing dates since I joined (only 4 of which I know were through illness).
Sometimes they have 'gone' almost straight away (like last night's) but others have gone AWOL weeks later - or longer.
I contacted Blip Central two or three times after I found such entries but they were unable to find anything in the workings of the machinery. 
I thought at first it was maybe me not hitting the 'Publish' button - but some of them I know had comments so it isn't all down to stupidity. I also know that one or two other Blippers have had the same problem.
I just hope the ghost in the machinery has not returned.

If you can be arsed looking at yesterdays 'additional' shots you can find them starting HERE (I can't be arsed redoing all the chat and links).

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