The Nuthatch
Not a very good shot of him I know. I hadn't seen one on our bird feeders before and was actually trying to clean the kitchen when he hopped on the fat balls and by the time I had picked up the camera he was gone - but soon came back for another meal and I got a few very zoomed in shots of him. Living on the outskirts of town we have loads of sparrows, a couple of blackbirds, a family of crows who dunk bread in the bird bath to soften up for their young (we don't give them bread, so I don't know where they get it from?), 1 robin and, from time to time, a handful of blue tits. I think there must be more appetising bird feeding establishments in other gardens as many of our neighbours seem to attract far more glamorous species, so 1 Nuthatch today was a real novelty.
It is the 24th Birthday of my #1 Granddaughter, Natasha, today. She is busy working in London but I did grab a quick conversation with her this morning. When asked if she was doing anything nice for her Birthday she said she had had surprises all weekend and there was another one to come today. I wonder if gorgeous boyfriend Matt might propose????!
Natasha's mum, my #1 daughter, Lucy, had a very sad day yesterday. Amir, remember her lovely cat with attitude (my blip of 23.9.12) was hit by a car - luckily he used up one of his 9 lives and escaped with a broken tooth, a lost collar and the loss of alot of blood and very frayed claws. The vet didn't think he had broken his jaw but time will tell if anything more serious develops. I have yet to hear from Lucy how Amir is getting on today. At least all birds and mice etc. are safe from his clutches for a while.
Lucy adores her cat and he is most definitely a great character, so I hope he is OK.
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