not seeing straight

By jaybroek

Love in a cold climate

Last week I found myself at the bottom end of Carrubber's Close waiting for a silhouette. The light poured down the close creating a pool in the middle distance which contrasted perfectly with the dingy lavatorial foreground tiles.

Nobody came - and its no surprise. Its not the most welcoming or direct route from Market Street up to the Mile. I ended up not using the shot and got some mad jumping children later on. Tis the way of things.

So I wandered over today on a circuitous route to the baked potato shop - you know, the one near the top of Jeffrey Street - for another pop. The shot without a silhouette was serviceable enough - quite liked it in fact - so I thought it wouldn't be too much of a problem to recreate it.

I arrived just as a couple headed up the close. Neat silhouette I thought - one smoking, perhaps holding hands... a moment was at hand.

I discovered just how lucky I'd got with the light last week; these are narrow closes - light doesn't shine down them for long and I'd clearly missed the moment by a few minutes.

Then the couple started to demonstrate what purpose a seldom used close can be put to.


Another day then.

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