
By maddogmagpie


As the estimable Malcolm was (and possibly still is) fond of saying: ‘Darkness, it’s all darkness’.

And he’s not wrong. It was pouring down most of the day, so there never seemed to be much in the way of daylight.

Work is okay. Brexit is stupid and infuriating, but it is keeping me busy.

I think my biggest irritation just now is smug people on Twitter, who appear to have voted Remain, and can see the utter clusterf**k we are making of leaving, but still appear to focus their full energy on telling people off for calling Leave voters stupid and ‘failing to address their very real concerns’. That won’t change their mind apparently. ‘You need to make them an offer that addresses their problems’ they say.

Here is my issue; leaving aside the fact that I’m not currently in charge of the government, so I’m unsure what offer I can personally make, other than to come around and mow their lawn once each every couple of millennia; leaving aside the fact that this was the same argument used to tell us off for calling people who voted UKIP racist (because we were looking down at people just because they said offensive things about people from abroad); leaving all of that aside, I am big on facts and evidence, and the clear evidence is that outside of a few very rich people who will get even richer on the back of this, the less education people had, the more likely they were to vote leave. Also, the more likely the place you live is to be royally shafted by Brexit, the more likely you were to be an enthusiast.

So, you know, while it may not help to say it, it is true.

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