The Hooligan Trilogy

Brand New Series, Episode 1
(This pic although recent, wasn't taken today so I've cheated a little)

Meet Lucy. My 1st Edition :)
She's just about to turn 10.

I cried for a fortnight after having Lucy because this little baby terrified me. I had no clue what to do with her.
Obviously it didn't deter me :)

Lucy is a quiet, deep, sensitive soul. A bit of a worrier. But with a hugely loving heart.
It's taken me 2 years to get her out of a tracksuit and into skinny jeans. You'd never get a patent shoe near her and she draws the line at having her beautiful thick long hair out of a ponytail.

She loves football, fishing, backflips on the trampoline, X-box and kicking around on her bike. Most of her friends are boys although this is starting to change a little now.
Lucy, although quieter than her sisters, can hold her own no problem at all. She loves to please and likes making others happy. She has a wicked, quirky sense of humour but can also be quite shy.

My baby is growing up. I'm so not ready.
She now no longer believes in Santa, or the tooth fairy (and now bargains for more money)
She first refused to hold my hand walking down the street just a few weeks ago and I was quietly gutted...... but she still loves kisses n cuddles :)
She still sleeps with a doll she's had since babyhood, but shhhh, it's a secret.

Lucy was my 1st. I've learned alongside her. And of course, it goes without saying, that I just love her beyond comprehension.

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