
By Cari

Fall Hydrangea

Boy have I missed being here!!! But, I'm back! Good evening all and good morning to my friends overseas, RED! :o)

I just have a minute so this will be short and sweet.
First, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Ours was...eventful :)
I worked all weekend at the office AND I finally got the photos for the wedding on discs and ready to send off tomorrow! Yippee!! Happy to have that done and behind me. I have ordered a few photos gifts for the couple that haven't come in yet but I think they will be really great for them. So, why was the weekend eventful?? Because our sons were here all week helping with some painting and such. Well, Glenn decided it was time to rip up the bathroom. Now that it is getting gutted I am kind of excited to design a brand new bathroom! However, I have already started the countdown to how many days we will be living with the bathroom torn up and no progress :) He also wants to gut the laundry room which is next to the kitchen and sorely needs updating however, gutting the kitchen is not going to happen. Yikes. But we will be updating it without gutting it. I'm afraid he will get over zealous and just keep on ripping from the laundry room on into the kitchen. I just told him please ONE project at a time. I think it fell on deaf ears. Oh well. We now have our winter project planned it looks like :)

We have been having amazing wonderful beautiful weather! I know it won't last so I am enjoying every day we have. Winter is coming! There is a chill in the air. I love this time of year.

Times up! I am feeling like getting back on track with blip on a daily basis. I have missed seeing all of your journals. I just renewed my subscription so I'm here for another year! I also renewed my photo website, carimartinphotography.com. I haven't touched it since we have been down here, so almost 2 years. I will be getting it updated with some favorites I have taken. It is just a fun place to put some photos to share with those that want to see some of my photography.

Ok. I did say times up. So I must go. I will be making the rounds on journals soon

Happy Sunday

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