Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

It's blowing hard

It might be high summer with temps at 27C, but with it comes the Cape Doctor, or the southeasterly wind.

The Doctor is so-called because it blows the rain away, bringing only sun and...

The downside is that the Doctor blows from late October until some time in (or after) April and on a good day is a welcoming breeze. On others like today, it is like this; banging in at over 60km/h, whipping up salt spray and making anything, especially walking the dogs and braais (barbeques) a no-no.

In fact, you are well advised to stay home and drink wine until it passes. In 2006/2007, it blew non-stop for five months. Summer outside didn't happen and most Rooi Elsers (our village) were getting ready to move by the time it stopped.

One evening in October 2007, a neighbour's wind gauge hit 172km/h before it blew off his roof. In comparison, this one is just a little blow job and we all know that there's no such thing as a bad one ;-)

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