Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Quids in!

Shock, horror! Today, after many weeks of sunshine, it was raining! Still, shouldn’t complain (though I just did).

I had a hospital appointment this afternoon, but just as I was about to leave, I checked the wee appointment card. The 20 looked a wee bit like a 29. And on ringing I found out it was indeed, the 29th. Yay!

JR, after the gym, took a notion to search through every pocket in every garment, every drawer, bag and purse in the house. And she collected 21 old £1 coins! And we also had 2 old Scottish £5 notes. So I hot footed it down to the bank to get rid of them, and to make an appointment to do do some high finance arrangements that I’ve been meaning to do for some time.

Archie came with me, and I put his hated coat on. He stood like a statue, wee tail between his legs, and refused to come out with me. I think he's embarrassed. Actually, he didn’t need it - it wasn’t raining by this time.

Archie is allowed in the bank, and he was also allowed in the homeware shop, where I wanted a wee new brush to clean out the wood burner, but they didn’t have what I wanted.

This shot was taken in the wee cowboy street behind my bank.

We walked all the way home.

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