Comfort food..........

I had my first lay in this morning since arriving. Had such a good laugh with friend and friends of theirs last night, that today I felt a little flat. I felt had cold coming out so I did not go out stayed in and watched tv and kept under fleece blanket. It is now 8.30pm and i will be going to bed shortly.

My family had a little get together tonight for Charlie's birthday. Cannot believe a year has gone by since her 21st. They posited a picture on Facebook with photos of her with little niece and nephew. Made me feel a little lonely. Still another tomorrow, hopefully I will snap out if it!

The picture is peanut butter on teaspoon. Cannot wait to get home for a good old roast dinner. Lets hope someone has one ready on the Sunday I arrive home. Beef ir chicken with all the trimmings!

Hope you all had good weekend.

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