Little Kingdom

By icemaiden


On H's birthday, she wanted to go to the funfair, but it was closed - so today we took advantage of the dry weather and headed the whole 10 minutes down the road to M&Ds.

At the last minute, we were joined by half the family - Gran, Papa, cousin L and Aunty C and Uncle A, which made it all the more enjoyable for H (and meant she had someone to go on some of the smaller rides with). She went on the Ladybirds, the hot air balloons, the train, the bees (pictured), the pirate ships, the caterpillar rollercoaster, the hobby horses, and the mini dodgems. Cousin L had been on the dodgems on holiday so should have been quite experienced, but her driving skills let her down today. The pair of them (in the same car) were pretty much stuck in a corner the entire time, which was quite funny.

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