A time for everything

By turnx3


We had a big morning at church in honour of Consecration Sunday, when the pledges are received for the upcoming year. We had three special hymn arrangements using organ, brass, handbells and timpani - we played handbells on one, but the others we were singing in the choir, and it was a smaller group of handbell players. The handbells also played the prayer response, and then the praise band played during the collection and communion! The service was followed by a brunch.
Back at home, we had a chat on FaceTime with my brother and sister-in-law before going out walking at the Nature Center’s Rowe Woods, to work off some of the brunch! I had read on Facebook yesterday evening that the Center had closed yesterday due to the high winds, and as we were walking some of the trails, we come across one obviously recently fallen tree, which we assume was yesterday, plus quite a bit of general debris on the trails as a result of the wind. I had a few shots to choose from, Canada geese among autumnal reflections, plentiful red berries against golden leaves, but I finally chose this sunburst through the clouds. The sun was trying to break through the overcast sky as we walked, and finally in the latter stages of our walk it finally succeeded, the clouds breaking up and giving way to patches of blue sky. However, by then it wasn’t long until sunset!
One year ago: Forest view

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