Saws on doors ...,.

Quite a frost this morning , but it didn't last long. A morning spent feeding cattle and sorting drinking bowls in the slatted shed. Managed to find an old one at the back of the shed and swap the ballcock and other bits over . There is twice as much metal in it compared to the ones we get now, everything is built to a price these days.
Mrs F dragged me away to look at tv cabinets at Fenton Barns this afternoon. Spotted this assortment of saws in the workshop next door
To get over the thought of having to spend money, called in to see friends new Lab pup. Very tempted to smuggle him home with us !
An evening spent stripping down a chainsaw that is refusing to start . Discovered a perished fuel pipe in the petrol tank had parted company so no fuel getting to the carb. Will need to see about getting one as it's breaking my heart having to burn coal in the stove !

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