Apricot tinge

I went over to the market in Stockbridge, via Arclight and Mr A's plant-watering and mailbox. A female person standing beside me browsing the display of game meat at Ridley's stall in the market said to her friend "Oh look, they're selling grey squirrel" and then "Poor old grey squirrel". I didn't engage her in coversation but she seemed happy enough looking at the other meats (wild venison, mallard, etc), so I'm pretty sure she wasn't a vegan. Poor old dear deer.

Did a load more uninteresting chores when I got back. By the time it got dark I realised I'd only taken one photo all day. There was a gang of goosanders disporting themselves in the Water of Leith basin - a couple of the adult males appeared to be looking very smart in their breeding plumage, with an almost apricot-coloured tinge to the breast (only perceptible on this guy in the reflection here). Thought that was just an eider thing, but my mildly twitching friend confirms that goosanders have it too!

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