Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

More bougainvillaea!

Trying to write this whilst watching Robert Mugabe finally addressing his nation to offer his resignation! History in the making!

Today has been a typical Sunday; G's very early start, the cleaner comes and I have to make myself scarce, so I went over to Carrefour armed with the brochure of their latest offers, which are actually very good! I came back with a poinsettia, so Christmas has come earlier to the flat this year!

My blip though is one of the bougainvillaeas bought on Friday. Two went to G's balcony, and this one can be viewed from my sofa. I am very thrilled looking up and seeing the bright magenta leaves! Small things...

And in the evening, apart from being glued to the TV watching the events unfolding in Zimbabwe, we've watched a very interesting animated movie called Zambezia, and thanks to BBC World, I've been introduced to Aziza Brahim, a Western Saharan musician! Isn't TV great?

Update: Oh! He's just finished, and didn't resign! There you go. The saga continues.

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