Another hedgehog
This one was not keen on being weighed and staged an escape attempt. Lots of hedgehogs at the wildlife rescue at the moment - most of them will be too small to hibernate but a few of the bigger ones will be allowed to. The staff there monitor them while they're asleep, checking they aren't losing excessive weight, and if they are, they slowly wake them up to feed them.
The hedgehog population in the UK is in rapid decline - the lady who runs the wildlife centre thinks they will all be gone in 10 -20 years. There is lots of info online about how to make your garden hedgehog friendly, and what
to do if you find one during the day. Every one is precious.
I helped treat a pigeon with a firework injury this morning - another item to add to my list of objections to fireworks - he was most accommodating until he was released back into his cage, at which point he gave me a good pecking. Poor lad!
An animal free afternoon I think - greyhounds excepted.
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