One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Something fishy?

I can't help pondering that message on the EUR2 Rick Stein's Seafood I found in the charity shop. 

First, I am thankful to Nick for being called Nick. With a little bit of Typex carefully applied in the right places, this bargain book could almost look as if it was bought new, especially for me. 

Secondly, I can imagine not just some simmering bouillabaisse on the Aga but also some family tensions brewing. 
The fact that the book was dumped in the charity shop would seem to indicate that Nick is neither a fan of fish or Rick Stein, which is a bummer when that's all you get for your 36th birthday... 
The fact that it is signed Mum and Bill rather than Mum and Dad seems to indicate a remarriage, or a divorce followed by the arrival of a companion, a certain William of whom Nick may not necessarily approve. 
It could possibly be that the sneaky Bill would have suggested to "Mum" that she bought a Rick Stein cookery book for her Nick-who's-grown-so-distant-of-late. 
The fact that the "love" closing formula is accompanied by just a miserly single cross/kiss each by Mum and William-the-Usurper seem to indicate that it is not all plain sailing (towards distant fresh mackerel shoals) between Nick, Mum and Bill. 

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