
By LuvU2

Huge old tree

Opposite the street from our house is a little private school with a huge old tree just outside the gate.

One very big branch of it broke off about 4 years ago, which left our street closed for traffic for 4 days and our whole suburb without electricity for 36 hours! It took 6 electricity poles down, breaking the cables like pieces of string! The Local Council had to replace the broken poles as well as the broken cables for about 1km.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the size of the branch, you cannot really imagine the size of the tree, it is so high, it's shade covers more than one whole house with it's garden, the sidewalk and the street!

What amazes me most, is the 'creepy crawlies' that overgrew the whole tree, we actually expected the whole tree to come down by now, cannot believe it is still intact, being strangled like that!

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