
Today's blip is the Bonsai tree I bought SWMBO for her birthday ...... one that she wont be able to kill!
(She is known for her ability to kill plants from 50 yards).

When I got u this morning I wasn't able to stand up straight.
I was really worried that I was not going to be able to get dressed, let alone do the craft fair I was booked for.

I would say luckily I made it - but sales were almost non existent and SWMBO used the contents of my wallet to by earrings made out of beetle wing casings (I kid you not) ........ so I am well out of pocket.

Now I have to try and make sure I am okay to take the portraits of half a dozen kids tomorrow morning for Bags and some friends........... the school pictures were worse than terrible!
More painkillers and anti-inflammatories I feel ............ and maybe a whisky or two.

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