Arthur's Seat

Ann's friends, Caroline & Tony, are staying with us this weekend so this morning we showed them one of my favourite walks, which is trekking around Arthur's Seat. For those of you who don't know; Arthur's Seat is a big hill in Edinburgh. I was all happy and bouncy and we had a lovely time. It's been a beautiful day and the views were amazing.

Unfortunately Ann thinks she's getting flu because she's had a sore throat and has been all achy for the last three days. ….....................So the walk exhausted her and she had to go and lie down for a couple of hours once we got home. Obviously I went and lay in the bedroom with her because I am a very caring little collie. Caroline & Tony went out to do a spot of shopping.

The humans are off out to the 'Argentinian Steak House' tonight. I'm hoping that Ann has lost her appetite she only managed half a glass of wine last night! If Ann can't manage all her steak she'll bring some home for me. I LOVE steak!

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