Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Looking for a New Home

The men of Jed have been busy in their Shed. I've seen it tucked away somewhere, can't remember where exactly, and I'm not sure what it is they do in there, but .. one of the empty shops in the High Street has a display of cats made by the members, and now being made available to the general public by silent auction.

So here are Zen and Mardi Gras. There were more, but I couldn't get them all in the picture.

As it happens, TM and I are on the lookout for a pair of cats to fill the gap left by Stan and Sadie. I'm not sure that these are quite what we had in mind. But I think they'll do nicely for the Silly Saturday challenge, thank you to Admirer for hosting, and brightening up the weekend.

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