Picnic at Nam Shan

our church had its second picnic/bbq in Nam Shan today.

Elizabeth had done a LOT of the prep before hand and Martin, Roberto and her usually go there early and buy all the meat and stuff and get the site ready.

I joined them today as well, with the church’s young intern, Caleb. And boy did I have a renewed appreciation for all that goes into it! A great day was had by many and the weather cooperated nicely. The two sprinkles didn’t deter us at all.

I even managed to play soccer with some kids and adults, which was such fun. Haven’t played games like that since my youth days, I’m pretty sure. We used to play cricket on the beach in Dubai! Taking me back to my youth! Anyway, I digress.

A few of us stayed back for a bit after to enjoy the great outdoors. The lads made a nice campfire which provided warmth and comfort, and something to stare at in the dark.

Lovely day out indeed with our lovely friends.

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