Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've been part of a photo challenge for the last 7 days. Not a fan of photo challenges but this one sounded not so bad. This was my last photo and I wanted to share this on Blip too. I haven't read that much yet, not even the firs 50 pages...but I'm hooked! It's great book for all of us interested in history, culture and how we came to be who we (Homo Sapiens) are. I've borrowed this one from the library, but I'm buying it too.
Last Wednesday I was at the university attending a career seminar for anthropology students and newly finished anthropology students. A thought came to me afterwards... I haven't studied anthropology for such a long time. I've just worked with my thesis and literature concerning it. I'm hitting the books again, so I have fresh knowledge - or rather, regained knowledge. I've saved almost all of the books from my anthropology courses and I'm excited to get started. :) 

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