Not Bad At All

Looking from our land on a clear autumn day.

Olives: still problematic, but another 496kg delivered to warehouse today - that's 1,109kg so far. Let's see whether any more get harvested...

Last night had a surprisingly (really didn't feel like going) good time at the first meeting of an international group "for culture" - great lot of people, never would have guessed folk like this were living around Mourão, honoured to be included.

Lunch: fresh bread, fresh olives, presunto (prosciutto), avocado, local red wine, and a local diospiro (persimmon) for dessert.

Long FaceTimes with folk I love.

Popped into Adega Velha for a tintinho (from the new wine) on way back from land; we were the first, but soon a group gathered, lots of good conversation and new friendships begun...

And now my husband is making onion soup...

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