Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Adventures with dentures

Yesterday I woke up to find my temporary (if temporary means a year...) front tooth had gone awol. I had to chair a two hour event in the morning in full gap toothed pirate mode. There was nothing else for it but to brazen it out. When I did the domestics...fire alarm, toilets, you know the drill, I added a health warning about my smile, or lack of it. They all laughed in sympathy, or maybe shock, but it was enough to make me own that gap for the rest of the day like a boss.

Deep joy when i found it this morning though. The little bugger was on top of the piano under a Hunter S Thompson book. How? Why? I have no idea. I did a very loud and long happy dance, which really annoyed Sam and Tess...so i sang even longer and louder because I'm a bad mum and we have to get our mini victories in somehow.

The tooth and it's adventurous ways... I've found it in the forest, the street, in a welly boot...and yes even stolen by the dogs before.....will soon be over when I finally get a permanent fix in early December. It will be bliss. My eccentric Pirate days shall be over. Unless Sam headbuts me again and knocks out another one...to be fair he was only 2 years old and running towards me for a cuddle.

I wrapped some Christmas presents today..i know how annoyingly smug that sounds, people who are that organised are no fun. If it's any consolation I wrapped them really badly and I've still loads to get. But I had a good yap with Ma Sinclair while I botched up the sellotape.

Friday night, fire on, gin up, happy dog.

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