Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Job share

His job is to lie all over the desk. Mine is trying to shove him out of the way and get some work done.

Productive day. But felt tired. Went for a walk when I’d finished and posted a vegan advent calendar to The Girl Racer in Canada.

Saw Mr A briefly in town, he is trying to open a new restaurant but had a fatality on the site where they are gutting the shop. I felt really sorry for him, he was clearly highly distressed still, three weeks after the event. I listened to him pouring it all out and realised just how caring he is. He runs a market stall selling artisan breads and always gives stuff to local charities.

Pleasant evening sitting with Top Gun and TSM chatting and reading. I can report that Scout has moved off the desk ... on to Top Gun’s lap ...

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