Bouncy ball verus windsurfer

The weather forecast for today was rain, rain and more rain. But it was a lovely morning. Ann had left her car at the 'Badger Inn' last night so we had to walk back and get it. It took us more than an hour and I was on my lead for the whole walk.

As a reward for walking all that way sensibly and not even doing one little woof at buses or big lorries; Ann said she would take me to 'Praa Sands' this afternoon to play with my new yellow bouncy ball. Actually I don't think it had anything to do with me walking sensibly - Ann likes sitting drinking coffee in the cafe there and gazing out to sea.

Anyway the minute we got out of the car it started to rain. But we'd come to walk along the beach so walk along the beach we did.

I loved it! Not only did I have my new yellow bouncy ball to play with; but there were lots of windsurfers about. I love chasing them into the water. The only problem with that game is; I can't hold my bouncy ball and bark at them at the same time?!! Sooooooooooo, I kept dropping my bouncy ball, so that I could chase windsurfers until they got into water that was out of my depth, then I woofed at them just so that they knew I'd chased them away. Then I had to go searching for my bouncy ball because I knew Ann would get very mad at me if I lost it.

After about 45 mins Ann said she was too cold & wet to walk any further. She said we were going home. She said I'd had 45 mins of non stop running so I should be tired. She said we weren't even going to the cafe.

So that was the end of my afternoon walk .................................... but I love bouncy balls and windsurfers.

PS - Ann apologises for this blip. She doesn't like it but it was too windy & wet to keep getting the camera out so this is all we've got for today.

Snuggled up in my bed now and Ann has the heating on and her pink fluffy slippers on.

Happy Sunday Night Blippers.

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