After our injections yesterday, and thankfully we only had one in each arm, because some of them were combined, we both felt good when we left the surgery. However, as the evening wore on, the HAS or Heavy Arm Syndrome kicked in and we just sat and read all evening - until Mr. HCB said that he would fall asleep if he read any more, so he went on his laptop and played a couple of his football games. That was a mistake, because he said that his arms then felt heavier than ever.
This morning, after a very disturbed night, mostly because I am not used to sleep on my back and sleeping on my side wasn’t a possibility, I am feeling a little frayed at the edges - what a wimp - just like this little marigold that I found in the garden.
I don’t have the excuse of having been out in all winds and weathers though, so I think the marigold should have its 15 minutes of fame on Blip and I should just shut up and get on with life!
Poor Mr. HCB is just about to leave to go to the dentist for a large filling, but at least I don’t have to worry about that, so I will sit and read and drink coffee and might even clear up in the kitchen as we have a Blip friend coming for a meal tomorrow evening and I don’t want her to think I NEVER do any housework (shhhh please don’t tell her!)
“It’s OK if you fall down
and lose your spark.
Just make sure that
when you get back up,
you rise as the
whole damn fire.”
Colette Werden
P.S. No faffing today - this was SOOC
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