
By Instography

Wednesday beer, of course. But new freezer delivery meant shuffling frozen goods around so that the pair of old, inefficient but not clapped out freezers could be moved out of their space and the new and, as it turned out, gigantic, one could be moved into it. Impressive manoeuvring, if I say so. The Ao guys left it on the patio (as instructed) and I unpeeled it and shifted its 56kg through the house, round two tight bends and into its place without dropping, scratching, blaspheming or effing.

The two old ones are empty, cleaned and waiting to be shifted to replace a couple of useless fridge/freezers that have been storing hops.

The slow-roasted onions will be added to a sourdough focaccia tomorrow (or maybe tonight, depending on how the dough goes).

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