Sophie "In Vacant Or In Pensive Mood"

We had our regular fortnightly visit to Rhyme Time this morning, then this afternoon we took her back to the Nursery she attends on other days as they were having their annual photos taken (in time for Christmas presents for proud grandparents!) and she didn't want to miss out.

Regular Sophie watchers will have noticed that her hairstyle is normally, shall we say, unruly; she hates having her brushed, never mind put in clips or bands and attempts to do so can result in quite a battle :)

However, it seems her key worker at Nursery has the magic touch: as soon as we got there, Sophie went and sat placidly on her lap while she gave her this very grown-up restyling. Grandma was not amused!

We went to the local park afterwards where I caught Sophie in this moment of unusually solemn contemplation.

As soon as we got back indoors, Sophie insisted on undoing her pigtails.

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