Speckled wood

Thank you so much everyone for those wonderful comments, stars and hearts yesterday for my Blip Birthday.

I'm so proud to be a member of this fantastic community and I really appreciate you dropping by with your good wishes. I know how time-consuming (and rewarding) it can be.

I was very lucky to have my photography course coincide with my big 1000 and that it took place in such sunshine in a gorgeous location such as Shugborough Hall.

Would today be an anti-climax ? The forecast was rain. They were wrong. I went for a walk in my local woods and it was just blissful. The light was so right and I met some super people and dogs

But this late Speckled Wood was my signature shot, I thought and it was probably the last of the year.

Happy Dog in the Meadow

through the autumn leaves

light, plants and webs

yellow meadow

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