What a numptie...

...this is the bus taking the Fangle and his classmates to their swimming lesson and Mr R and I are tailing it down to The Peak!

Arrived in the playground this morning and he was the only one lining up for his class...then Mr R and I spotted his classmates coming down the internal school staircase. Mr R and I then put two and two together and realised that the swimming block started today!

Fangle had been busy faffing with an luminous arm band before we left because it is school safety week...never mind that he was suppose to be at school for 08:50 this morning with his swimming gear.

We had had a note weeks ago and unusually hadn’t popped it in the calendar...that is our part in this situation!

Anyway arranged with his teacher that he would get bus down...we would go back to house...collect his gear and take it down to The Peak.

As we came to the junction of our street in the car...the bus passed the bottom of the road. So we managed to tail it down. I jumped out of the car, walked to head of bus, Fangle walked off bus and collected his swimming gear from my outstretched arm.

As Hannibal Smith is known to say, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

And for that I am grateful.

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