Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pink 2
Another child free day in the Jones house today, B at Scout camp, and H gone to Drayton Manor with the Brownies. Hubby and I decided to go to Birmingham for lunch. Got there early so had a walk up to the Council House, not sure why the lady in the fountain is wearing a pink bikini and to be honest there were too many demonstrators about to get close to see, had lots of leaflets stuffed into our hands as we walked by. She is my pink blip for today, both my neighbour and a work colleague have had breast cancer.
Walked past Waterstones bookstore and Anthony Horowitz was signing copies of his new book, Oblivion, so we queued to meet him, he put Get Reading! to our son, a very reluctant reader, hope that works. Lovely lunch in Ed's Diner in Selfridges.
B back home from Survival camp now, their scout group placed 2nd out of 35, with a gold medal, and a neckerchief signed by Bear Grylls, happy and also clean boy!
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