Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Doggy bag needed

Managed to stay up and awake to watch the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour. Everyone else crashed early - no idea why. The amazing/ fabulous/ wonderful film that I remembered being entranced by in 1967, was actually complete rubbish! An illusion cruelly shattered! And if I hadn't already thought Jimmy Saville was a bit creepy, that would be another shattered illusion!

Today we were up and out early. Another beautiful blue sky day - can't complain about the weather of late - The queues were miles long yesterday at the castle, so we decided to beat them and go early. It seems everyone had that idea as well! I joined online this morning, something we've been meaning to do for ages, so we could get tickets without queueing.

Lots of interesting bits to the castle, of course. We were in the prisons, which I'd never been to before. Someone's mobile phone went and she answered it with the classic,
'Hi. I'm in the dungeon!'

We were flagging a bit after an hour or so, we went for a cuppa to the castle cafe, and the scones and cream looked too good to miss. We then realised it was very nearly 12 o'clock, and we had to be at Jamie's Italian to get a table when it opened. The Kiwis are big fans of his. So there we were, having just eaten huge scones, tucking in to sharing planks and main meals. I was almost beaten and did ask for a doggie bag for my cannelloni, but they don't do that, so- nothing for it- but to keep going. Jings - I needed to lie down. Immediately.

The others have gone for a wander down the Mile to see Mrs Windsor's abode, but I came on home, citing a sore back and a sore leg. True. We've walked miles this weekend. Imagine my happiness, when a bus pulled up just as I arrived. On a Sunday, this service is about once an hour, so I was very pleased.

I had lots of castle shots and views of Edinburgh and people in costume (they were going to do a re-enactment this afternoon) but I had to choose this wee chap. Had I not been heading to the castle, I would have hung around. Maybe someone has left him there. Maybe he is still there, hoping someone will take him home with them.

I should have gone home that way, just to check...

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