Blue-eyed boy

Nate & I had a great morning with 2 of the women from 24-7...getting down to talking over the nitty gritty of good to get to deeper level conversation.
After school we went on a picnic...we saw flamingos, one which was really quite close to us! The novelty of living in a place that's also home to flamingos will never wear off! 
This evening we met up with the Caña Club guys...good to see them all...Nate enjoyed cuddles, also with the café owner who whisked him away and took him round all the other customers!

Drama of the day;
A difficult bedtime with Asha...she's going through a tough phase, I feel for her...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Growing friendships within the new 24-7 team.
2) Asha eventually going to bed happy.
3) The amount of extra conversations I have in the day because of strangers stopping to talk to & about Nate!

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