
Project Squirrel is still very much active. I don’t know the overall objective, if it’s actually catching a squirrel I think we have some way to go before I can be classed as a success. It continues to generate much excitement, focus and enthusiasm as ever.

I was ever so pleased to finish work today in a relieved type of way. And after dinner I went for a peaceful wander round the library. At what point did I stop going to the library? It was one of those good trips where I found books I really wanted to read ever so quickly.

Simon mayo had a sleep expert lady on the radio this evening. She said one of the golden sleep rules was to make sure you get at least 3 early nights each week. Apparently an early night is between 10 and 10:30 - I can’t remember any point in my life where this would be true for me. She did also say as part of your early night you should go to bed and read a book. Perfect then.

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