
By Tudorbee


Free day today, so decided to wander to places new. This was a view across the Mersey from Garston shore, a mile or so up the river from Otterspool promenade. Tide was just turning and on its way out. Carried on towards the mouth of the Mersey and came across an information board about Otterspool. No surprise it was named after Otters which used to frequent the old tidal pool. The old English name was Otirpul. The stream that fed the pool was know as Osklesbrok, but later renamed the River Jordan by a community of puritans who leased smallholdings around the stream. Fascinating that the pool was fed by a brook that travelled from Edge Lane through Toxteth and then on Sefton Park (see blips from the last couple of days). Fascinating details about fishermen living the length of the stream and especially the quality of the fish around this area. "in 1743, 44 varieties of fish were noted in the river, including sturgeons and it was reputed to have been the best salmon fishery in the area". The Mersey fish levels have improved significantly over the last few years, but still have a way to go to get back to those levels. On the way home drove past the Liver Buildings, at least one face has no hands on the clock....must do some checking.........that was easy. One clock faulty, needs hands removing to rectify problem. Sound like it may be a long job.

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