Grass Tree
So many are coming into flower right now, I'm always amazed how tall the flower stems grow on these trees, the trunk grows so slowly each year, growing just 1 centimetres each year, when they are very young it takes 10 years just for the trunk to form, so you can stab at a guess just how old this one is, some can live beyond a 100 years.
I am staying at our Daughters & son-in-laws place until the weekend, while they take an all expenses paid 6 day holiday in Bali, the two boys Koen & Jacob are helping while they are away, they have their list of chores and i have mine. They could have come to ours but i thought it best to keep their school routine from home, this is the 2nd day all is going well so far, i hadn't realised how far out of my comfort zone i am, Glyn is home holding the fort with Milo, after i do the school drop off i whizz up to my own home, where everything is familiar, i'm sure the week will fly by?
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