Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


Me and Bethan, (as usual, I know) we went to the village and I had cowies left over from the other night so we took them and went mental, lets just say it was a perfect night.

We talked for about 5 hours about everything we wanted to tell eachother and we really trust eachother now, we're so happy.

I had a go at my apparent best friend for being a dick today she was being bang out of order, so she can go fuck herself, genuinely couldn't give a shit about what happens to her, snidey little twat.

Okay rant over.

Bethan didn't want to go home tonight, she nearly cried, curled up in my arms as i rocked her gently and stroked her hair, she really didnt want to leave, she hates going to school, genuine hatred, makes me sad, poor babi.

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