8 Floors Up...

...so I don't plan to see if I can splash in the pool.  Began a 4 night ocean front stay 15 minutes from home in a condo for which we are charged a total of $63 as a cleaning fee for Monday PM to Friday AM.  Since the temps are to be in the 60's F for the days and 40's F at night it should be a pleasant time to take advantage of the special pricing.  Hoping to capture some interesting photos.  This is so convenient for activities like Tuesday's Bible study since the church is in the middle of the 15 minute drive from the condo to the house, and it will be possible to meet a pick-up man at the house on Wednesday to get rid of two old box shaped 24" TV's.  You can't give them away or sell them here, and even charitable organizations have them on a do not accept list.  Seems a waste to me, but some say it all part of the progress of technology.  The photo is more pleasing to me when viewed in large.

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