Movement in Mono

Today started with tears all round, but got better as it went on. After school we met up with Quin and his 3 kids, and all went to the cinema for an afternoon showing of Operación Cacahuete, 'Nut Job' I think it's called in the UK. It was a lot of fun & the kids enjoyed it! Good for our Spanish too. Later the kids and I went and read books in the library then popped to the swings. The blip is Asha on one of the spinny things, whilst I photographed her from the other spinny thing!

Drama of the day;
A difficult school drop off this morning.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time to walk & think.
2) Asha being much happier come school pick up time.
3) Being married to Danny! He reminded me today that it was this day 10 years ago that he asked me out, again, after a 3 year break! Who'd have thought 10 years on we'd be married with 2 kids?!

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