Blush response

By Esper

My Sporting Life

Another Sports Day. This was not Valerie and Arthur's school Sports Day, this was our Regions Sports Day. Each residential region - or cho  competed in this event. Members of my family competed in nine races and placed in four of them.

Giving it all my might - or at least pretending to after I hurt my back two years ago - in the tug-o-war. A neighbour told me I look like Jason Statham just before this event. Hmm, with the veins popping here I can see what he means.

 I took time out from filming between races to do a 10 km run to Ashiya and back and managed to complete it in 59 minutes. Unfortunately, I had no time for a shower before rushing back to school to film the rest of the races. A tiring, but thoroughly enjoyable day.

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