Boys and their Toys
New toy for John's birthday. I really wanted one so I'm letting the chaps learn how to use it so that they can teach me the easy way, then I'll take over when their interest has waned. It was too windy today to play outside and, although I did have a go, I would rather have a little more space for safe manoeuvre.
I had a cold afternoon at Waddesdon Manor, the first of the Christmas Season. I was on the main door meeting and greeting the continuous stream of visitors. It was extremely cold. We were given breaks elsewhere to thaw out but it is fun talking to people as they arrive and explaining a few things. We do insist that visitors leave bags at Visitor Services or carry the bag on their front rather than their back so they don't accidentally knock into (very fragile and valuable) things. One teenager was refusing to do this, insisting she wore the bag on her back. It's the rule so, either she followed it, or she didn't come into the House! Situation resolved when her father agreed to carry the bag, but I don't suppose she enjoyed her visit much. It's tough being a teenager!
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