In da Mail Yerd

It was breezy from time to time, but been mostly sunny all day.  There's been some showers, when they came it was cold and heavy, wintery at times too! 

On my way to work this morning, I spotted plenty of innocent viticms out for a stroll with their dogs, sadly they had all been caught in a heavy winter shower, fooled by the sunshine!  It's been a fairly quiet day in the museum.  The quiet day gave me a chance to work away with my photo exhibition.  There's been plenty of names coming in again today.  It's been a fairly quiet evening at home, and the fire is roaring tonight.  Me and Sammy got out for a good walk, and it stayed dry for us.

Remembrance Sunday, and watch various things on the telly tonight about various wars.  I don't rememer any first hand stories from older folk about WWI, but I do remember my grandad Maikie telling a few stories from WW2.  He didn't speak much about the war, but when he did, you listened.  He had been on three ships that got torpedoed and travlled the world.  I do love to travel, but pray I'll never be involved in such horrendous wars and wastes of life.  He was my eldest grandparent, and sadly passed away in 2008.  And went to visit him on my lunch break today, and this is the parish war memorial.  Taken in the Mail graveyard, Cunningsburgh.  

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