Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Continuing my

pet project of the Dublin coastline and harbours ....

Started my day with 2 sets of tennis at 9am on a bitterly cold morning then all 4 of us went for late breakfast in Blackrock. When I mentioned a trawl of the coast to take some photos, my friends gave me an assortment of replies - some of which are unprintable.

Okay sez I - yis don't know what yis are missing.

I headed down to Bulloch Harbour alone and honestly, it was so cold I could barely hold my phone to point&shoot. The main photo shows the bench I sat on with my coffee at Bulloch looking out towards Dun Laoghaire and that wide expanse of bay.

I then turned towards the little cove at Sandycove (see extra) where the age profile of the swimmers was mid-70s and there was great craic going on.

My other extra was the 40 foot (James Joyce scholars will know all about that) where the sea was very rough and I just caught a snap of a young lad dipping into the freezing waters) - to be honest, I envied him. Its what I wanted to do myself.

I had a really enjoyable afternoon and was then invited to a small surprise 50th birthday reception by the husband of my friend. She is 50 next Tuesday so he had a champagne party and songs for her at 4pm. I am not a big fan of champers (there, now I've said it) but he sang for her and toasted her and it was just great.

I was introduced to a number of new people and I was variously called Joan (twice), Joanne (once) and Jane (its not my name)

So ......

(And Fed beat the sox off Jack Sock) ... all good then)

Happy Sunday eve everyone

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