One of the reasons that I visit cemeteries and graveyards so frequently, is for the history. I believe that we should simply never forget. The war graves often have the most poignant stories. I thought this should be my main blip as I am so grateful to live in a country where all communities are safe from wars...and we don't need all the tanks that were in the parade today to keep us safe.
I did visit a few cemeteries today...I always do and read the headstones or markers. Most have the little Canadian flags waving but some don't. Among my favourites, are in the extras.... Nursing Sister Hayes is a bit of a mystery in a local cemetery. I do know that the nursing sisters were in France in a stationary hospital. Captain Stewart Boulter, was killed in action at Vimy Ridge on April 4, 1917. The inserted cross was made by one of his men and originally marked his grave in Villiers, France, to ensure he would not be "lost".
I hope you have all had a moment today to reflect....take care.
D x
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