Jacaranda Flowers

I had a lovely spot picked out to get a shot for today. Unfortunately the day got away from me and instead of that special jacaranda tree I ended up with just a few jacaranda flowers from a different and very minimal tree.

J won some money at a Melbourne Cup day lunch that he was invited to and today he was determined to spend it and spend it we did! :o). He thought all his xmas's had come at once ;o)

I think today is my 5th Blip Birthday, hope so or I'll look like a twit lol.

Hard to believe 5 years has gone by. I remember clearly the day I was chatting to GingerNan (my sister in law) when she told me all about Blip. I thought it sounded such a great idea and that I really should try it!!

The rest is history, well five years of it anyway. Its not just the fascinating record of days that you end up with it's the wonderful people you get to know here sharing glimpses of their lives, love you all xxxxxxx

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