Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 54 - "Play the game"


Captured this shot today while walking towards where we had our "dirty laundry" meeting. I had a mini breakdown today. If someone is rude to me (even if it is my own boss) or speaks to me in a manner that is inappropriate then I'm a bit of a grudge holder. Self diagnosed, not always a good thing... I don't think there is any time or place at all for rudeness or belittling someone in the tone of voice you talk to someone in. It doesn't get you anywhere and certainly didn't put me in any better of mood...

Not going into detail as frankly I can't be bothered. It has been a long and tough day busking in Cambridge. Taking out my camera, talking to my bear (Kirst) and zoning out tonight has helped me get back into the mode I should have remembered from day one of coming back on tour... my motto for this tour is "play the game". Do your work as you are suppose to. Give no one a reason to question that and keep a smile on your face (It fools everyone)... That is how I will now remember to live this tour out - until I forget again...

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
Etty Hillesum

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