The ultimate admiral

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I'm rather proud of this photo. This took dedication. Sitting opposite the subject taking shot after shot until I reached some sort of agreement with my subject & it decided to turn & the sun caught the tiny detail on it's wings & that incredibly colourful shine... I got a very wet behind & a slight headache after as the light was incredibly bright & I sat there for ages overheating in the October sunshine - yes, the Indian Summer for ONE day only... but it was all worth it! No post edit, all camera work :)

And Larry....? :D

The robin with the amber eyes

Rain forecast tomorrow, why can't we have a month of what we had today??? The River Torridge flooded the fields last night, saw it on the way there to town this morning... the ground is saturated... I so want the sun, we all do, the insects loved it, Larry sang beautifully, Charlie Cat sunbathed & everything glittered & smiled. Although the swallows have gone, the house martins too, left us for warmer climes to Africa, sometimes I wish I could do that too! :) xxxx

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